english science whole world

Stephen Hawking Says Universe Created from Nothing

Stephen Hawking Says Universe Created from Nothing: “mr_3ntropy writes ‘Speaking to a sold out crowd at the Berkeley Physics Oppenheimer Lecture, Hawking said yesterday that he now believes ”’the universe spontaneously popped into existence from nothing”’. He said more work is needed to prove this but we have time because ””Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.”” There is also a Webcast available (Realplayer or Real Alternative required).’

(Via Slashdot.)

book community english whole world

The Virtual Community, Howard Rheingold

Yes! Found a long lost book review on The Virtual Community by Howard Rheingold back thanks to Apple Spotlight. While at Sun Microsoystems, I sent the review to my fellow Mulitmedia Ambassadors and Human Interaction Engineers wordlwide on September 1st, 1994.

I was reading a Wired article on novellist Cormac McCarthy, having an office at the reknowned Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico,. This brought back memories of Stuart Kauffman, William Gibson and Howard Rheingold. All writers that have influenced my perspective. Wonderful.


Reputation system for Wikipedia

In First Monday, Tom Cross writes about Wikipedia using a reputation system to create a moderator class which has the power to approve user submitted changes. A first experiment done by his MemeStreams, which in turn is powered by Industrial Memetics.

english whole world

Information Liberation Front—Lawrence Lessig

FreeCulture.pngGuardian Unlimited writes about Lessig as a Freedom fighter with a guilty conscience—Lawrence Lessig explains his mission to limit the cultural damage caused by copyright and intellectual property (IP) law. Of pivotal importance for the emergence for our whole world.

Relying on what’s necessary, natural, and next, Lessig finds means of supplying adequacy so that other living systems do not suffer, so humanity does not suffer as a consequence, and so the individual can retain freedom to be as her or she chooses. After all, we are what we choose in the quantum field.

Be sure to check out Lessig’s freely available online book Free Culture, using a licence drawn up by his Creative Commons project. Another one you can’t afford to miss is Flash presentation of one of Lessig’s last talks during OSCON 2002.

The reason for AardRock to also use a Creative Commons license for all its material, including source code.

cheetah english

Facts about diabetes in The Netherlands

Interesting cheatsheet on diabetes facts in The Netherlands published by the Diabetes Vereniging Nederland:

  • 600,000 known people have diabetes type 1 and type 2
  • 250,000 people have diabetes without their knowledge
  • so, 1 on every 19 Dutch citizen has diabetes
  • 85% have diabetes type 2
  • 15% have diabetes type 1
  • 70,000 diabetics added annually
  • at least 6,000 children (age less than 19) suffer from diabetes
  • 5,000 of these children have diabetes type 1
  • annual growth at least 500 children with type 1
architecture chaordic english whole world

Aperspectival photography and imagery

Harry van der Velde pointed me to Spiralized, a cool and clean introduction to Spiral Dynamics. Next, click Basics, then click on the yellow part of the spiral, only to find that network art like Toogle and—Wolfram-based—aperspectival photography and images are considered “yellow” imagery. Exciting. Makes The Nature Of Order more whole.

english whole world

Reasons to Train

HisMastersVoiceSign.jpgPrimary reasons to train:

Read the full story on Reasons to Train Your Staff.

english science whole world

Fundamental Research of Matter -> Fields

multimodefiber-farfield.jpgTook my daughter Tamar to the FOM Institute for Plasma Physics ‘Rijnhuizen’ for a school excursion. FOM is one of the research institutes of the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter.

I was welcomed by Amy Shumack (native Australian and excellent Dutch tongue) and I asked her what matter actually is. So we talked about extremely compressed energy and Einstein’s famous E=mc2, relating one to the other.

Amy told me that they’re building a huge nuclear fusion plant—ITER—in France for tests. Current yield of nuclear fusion is about 0.6. Amy is confident that one day we’ll have abundant and clean energy from nuclear fusion processes.

Wondered if there is any Fundamental Research on Fields (like the Akashic and Zero Point Field), she referred me to Eric Eliel and G. Nienhuis at the Quantum Optics and Quantum Information group at Leiden University.

Can’t wait to get in touch with them and open a dialog on topics like the A-field and quantum computing.

cheetah english smart software

Cheetah boosts business educational publishers

Since Cheetah will have a serious game engine powering the friendliness and educational aspects as well as a peer-to-peer infrastructure, it can fuel the connection between young professionals and their future clients in the field of pregnant diabetics.

Cheetah fulfills both an educational and a social purpose. An excellent opportunity for educational publishers to innovate and secure a new strategic market position.

This, in turn, allows publishers of educational material—having a hard time competing with all the “free” information available on the net—to innovate and tap into a fresh revenue stream.

Professional publishers invest heavily in structuring, editing and formatting training material so it is tuned to specific real life situations. The quality of training material is key. On the net, you’re not sure of the quality, not even in Wikipedia. Publishing houses with a good reputation have their added value, or they would not exist.

The internet is both a threat and an opportunity. A threat because there ‘s so much information available. An opportunity because it enables new ways to involve both authors, trainers, publishers, trainees, and their future clients to collaborate in unforeseen ways to co-create effective new training material.

Of course you know that training helps to close the skills gap and to get, keep and grow talent.

architecture chaordic english whole world

Integral Architecture—The Timeless Way of Building

You’re cordially invited to attend the CHE Salon on Integral Architecture, inspired by Christopher Alexander’s The Timeless Way of Building and The Nature of Order.

May 11, Centrum Venwoude, Lage Vuursche. Free for friends of CHE.

Succes en plezier


chaordic english whole world

April Wise Fools Day

April Wise Fools Day came to mind late 2005, in a dialog with Engbert Breuker, Chief Emotions Officer at and Founder of Pentascope. Go on and read the long story on April Wise Fools Day.


english whole world


Thank you Rem Koolhaas, for coining this wonderful symbol for the emerging single global currency.


cheetah smart software

A productive Cheetah day

Another productive Cheetah day. Cheetah 0.0.5 saw the light of day. Platform is ready and software update works fine. Launching Cheetah still takes too long, though. Seems like something needs looked into under the hood.

Created first versions of the chaordic Cheetah Principles, Practices and Participants, still open for dialog, embellishment, and completion.

Opened the first list of potential Cheetah Participants. Others are free to join in the evolvement of Cheetah.

The first draft of Release and Version Numbering created some dialog will take a few iterations to finalize.

Had Giel over to sync up on Cheetah’s functional and interactions design. Dig into Giel’s blog on week 9 and week 10 for more.

Wiki’d the Conscious Company eXchange (CCX) edited by Aafke.

And Chris refers me to the book called Maverick by Semler, on a new way of working, compensation, and rewards.

Succes en plezier, Martien.

cheetah smart software

Cheetah User Manual in a Wiki

Converted the Cheetah User Manual from Pages to our online Wiki:

  • Everyone can read, comment and contribute.
  • Even lighter than the PDF we had before.
  • You can see the diffs between versions (fulfilling Chris’ wish)
  • Answered Durk’s questions from last week. See Cheetah as your personal assistant
  • Restructured the manual into a more logical flow and hierarchy.
