Het [http://www.noetic.org/ Institute of Noetic Sciences] heeft een prachtige website met vele nieuwe inzichten en baanbrekend werk klaargezet op [http://www.shiftinaction.com/ Shift in Action].
Tot eind 2007 staan daar vele artikelen, videos en podcasts om niet beschikbaar. Eat your heart out.
Met een paar verhelderende en prettig verstorende video’s van Deepak Chopra.
#[http://www.shiftinaction.com/discover/videos/chopra/one The Definition and Source of Consciousness].
#[http://www.shiftinaction.com/discover/videos/chopra/two The Simultaneity of Consciousness].
#[http://www.shiftinaction.com/discover/videos/chopra/three Discontinuity of the Universe].
Consciousness matters. Thoughts become things™. Consiousness is ”’the”’ phenomenon. Everything else is epiphenomenon.
Some notes from Deepak Chopra’s talk on consciousness:
*Another word for God: field of awareness which is “a-causal, non-local, quantum-mechanical interrelatedness” that operates with simultaneity.
*”’Chronobiology”’ studies the biological rythms (Earth, Moon, Sun, seasons…) that play the ”’symphony of your life”’ with exquisite correlation.
*You mirror the intelligence of the cosmos.
*”’Reductionism is dead”’. We are at its funeral at the moment.