agile architecture lean pearl

Improvement Board

Henrik Kniberg says that Squads at Spotify are using Big Visible Improvement Boards that focus on one to three Actionable Accelerators like:

  • What is blocking us?

Also, the board shows a Definition of Awesome that includes things like:

  • Really finishing stuff.
  • Easily ramping up new team members.
  • No recurring tasks or bugs.
agile kanban lean pearl Scrum



  • Goldilocks is an interesting technique and basically doing the opposite of estimating: You shape the work into the desired sizes.
    Vote each item into one of three piles: “Too Big”, “Just Right”, and “Too Small”.
  • Split any “Too Big” items into “Just Right”-sized ones.
  • Group any “Too Small” items together into “Just Right”.

The Goldilocks Principle applied to sorting stories reminds of potato grading machines that sort potatoes into different sizes.

Enjoy the flow.



Source: InfoQ » Q&A on Kanban in Action.