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Time according to Deepak Chopra

Time in my view is the continuity of memory using the ego as an internal reference point. When we break the barrier of ego, the self-image, we break the barrier of time.

So time is the separation that occurs when there is the differentiation of our consiousness into observer, process of observation and that which is observed. And then how we measure our observations through the creation of an artificial observer gives us the experience of time.

In fact, there is no time—there is only eternity. The measurement of eternity is symbolized as the measurement of time. And, of course, how we metabolize our experience of time, is the way our bodies undergo entropy.

So if we are running out of time, we literally run out of time biologically. People who say “I’m running out of time”, they have speeded up biological clocks. Faster heart rates [inaudible]. And they drop dead of premature heart attacks. They run out of time.

If you are in love time stops. The intoxication of love allows you to experience unity consciousness and timelessness. If you are bored, time drags. And entropy is the metabolism of time.

I have a lot more to say about the nature of time, but I’m running out of time. So, see you next time, or let me know what you think.

Source: How to Be Timeless Right This Moment ~ Deepak Chopra.

By Martien van Steenbergen

Martien is a Visioneer and touched by software.
people | software | happiness™

One reply on “Time according to Deepak Chopra”

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