english innovation peer-to-peer smart software tools

Joost—free TV with a peer-to-peer community


:What’s Joost? It’s free TV, with the choice to watch alone or with friends. Joost is packed with internet tools such as instant messaging and channel chat, allowing people to really share the TV experience.

:It’s a completely secure platform for content owners that respects their rights, while protecting and enhancing their brands. And it’s an incredibly flexible way for advertisers to reach a truly global audience, in ways that really work. Joost isn’t just video on the internet – it’s the next generation of television for viewers, content owners and advertisers everywhere.

Grown from a handful of people in a small office outside Amsterdam. [öm Niklas Zennstrøm] and [ Janus Friis]—KaZaa, Skype. Peer-to-peer. Community. Promising. I wish them a lot of succes!

By Martien van Steenbergen

Martien is a Visioneer and touched by software.
people | software | happiness™

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