aarde dutch spiritual whole world

Time & the Technosphere

13 maart 2007 had ik een afspraak met Martijn Arnoldus van [ Creative Commons Nederland] over het uitbrengen van het [ Aloha-boek] onder een Creative Commons licentie.


Ik was heerlijk op tijd en het weer was ook prachtig. Dus kon ik heerlijk even snuffelen bij de [ Frontier Bookshop] aan de Leliegracht in Amsterdam. Precies tegenover het pand waar Creative Commons huist.

Bijzonder prettig gesprek gehad met een lieftallige jongedame. O.a. over het Aloha-project. Ze wilde daar graag aan meewerken. Wat ze meestal doen is dat ze voor vijf boeken of zo aandacht en ruimte scheppen in hun vakblad wat ze naar abonnees sturen. Cool.

Ik ben daar de winkel uitgelopen met [ de Feng Shui-gids] (€14.95).

Tijdens het afrekenen gaf ze me gratis de [ 13-moon diary of natural time] (2006-2007) mee. Boeiend vind ik. Natuurlijke tijd en natuurlijke ritmes spreken me bijzonder aan. Lijkt me leuk om eens met natuurlijke ritmes software te ontwikkelen.

Sindsdien boeit het me steeds meer. Goed startpunt is het [ Planet Art Network]. Zie ook de [ Foundation for the Law of Time]. Veel plezier.

En omdat ik vandaag in [ Mystiek] toch al een paar boeken meenam, heb ik hier meteen maar [ Time & the Technosphere]—The Law of Time in Human Affairs van [ José Argüelles] gekocht. €22.95.

book creative dutch innovation self

The Artist’s Way

the-artists-way.gif‘k Las er gisteren over in [ Mijn creativiteitsmonster] van [ André Meiresonne]: ”'[ The Artist’s Way]—A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity”’ van [ Julia Cameron]. Kan ik vast veel van leren. Ook mee op vakantie. Ook bij [ Mystiek] gekocht. Engelstalig. €17.55.

book consciousness dutch quantum spiritual whole world

De eenheid van leven

De-eenheid-van-leven.gifVandaag aangeschaft in [ Mystiek]: [ De eenheid van leven] van Fritjof Capra. €22.99.

book consciousness dutch spiritual whole world

Hoe wij God kunnen ervaren

Vanochtend bij [ Mystiek] in Rotterdam een paar boeken gekocht. O.a. [ Hoe wij God kunnen ervaren] van Deepak Chopra. €19.95. Benieuwd hoe dat uit gaat pakken tijdens onze vakantie volgende week…

agile chaordic chaorganization community computing conscious computing consciousness creative crowd sourcing english holacracy innovation open source smart software

Briljante Programmeurs Netwerk

[ Sanne Roemen] en [ Daan Kortenbach] doen een oproep om een [ coöp van ”’briljante programmeurs”’] op te zetten. Wat mij betreft breiden ze dat uit naar ”’briljante ontwerpers, designers, architecten en projectleiders”’. En dan lekker agile aan de slag.

Als we dat nou eens naadloos kunnen samenvoegen met grote bedrijven op dit gebied. Een organisatievorm vinden waarbij beiden elkaar versterken. De ”’groten”’ zijn ”’zeldzaam, veerkrachtig, geworteld en enorm”’. De ”’eenpitters”’, tweepitters en gasstellen zijn met ”’velen, klein, wendbaar en innovatief”’. Hoe kunnen ze elkaar versterken?!

Hey Sanne, Daan, ”’Ik wil meedoen!”’ Gaan we in augsutus om de tafel om dit verder vorm te geven?

Mijn gedicht “[ Wanneer Dan]” vat het geheel samen.

aarde english whole world

Coming Up – World’s First ‘Zero-Carbon’ City

A city free of cars, pedestrian-friendly, powered by renewable energy and surrounded by wind and photovoltaic farms—all in the middle of a petroleum-rich desert.

This five billion US dollar plan, which might do credit to a sci-fi film set, is envisaged for Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). When complete, in 2009, it will be the nearest thing yet to a zero-carbon, zero-waste city. Using the traditional planning principles of a walled city, together with existing technologies to achieve sustainable development, this six sq km expanse will house an energy, science and technology community.

[ Read the full story at Inter Press Service].

Via Deepak Chopra’s [ Alliance for a New Humanity]

aarde english open source whole world

Freeman Dyson On Open Source Biology

Freeman Dyson, I love you!
:…the rules of ”’Open Source sharing”’ will be extended from the exchange of software to the exchange of genes. Then the evolution of life will once again be communal, as it was in the good old days before separate species and intellectual property were invented.

[ Read more of this story] at [ Shashdot].

aarde architecture chaordic computing conscious computing consciousness english spiritual whole world

Conscious Computing

Now that the world is heating up, so are the discussions and debates on reducing resources required for computing. Reduced power, reduced heating, sleeping and suspending processors and processes.

Effective and efficient handling of our computing needs at minimal resource consumption in the complete life cycle of a network of computers has become the focus of attention. I call this ”’conscious computing”’ across the board—and my dream is to have a ”’Conscious Computing Award”’ for those solutions, projects and companies that will startle our view in this area and provide unprecedented breakthroughs in the area of smart spiritual software.

I will start tracking ideas, initiatives, programs, projects and inspirational sources on this topic. Here are the first two:
#[ Power Plays: How power consumption will shape the future of computing] on how Intel is using smart self-organizing principles on chip-level to maximize the performance/power ratio in favour of green or ”’conscious computing”’.
#Sun’s Jonathan Schwartz on [ Switching Subjects] to drastically simplify cabling and reducing power and cooling requirements in massive data centers in their ”’Project Magnum”’ and ”'[ Constellation System]”’. Good that Sun has ”’Andy Bechtolsheim”’ back on board. Do you know that [[Andy missed his plane and changed his name]]?

aarde english smart software whole world

Aarde tag cloud

Using [[ScriptCloud for your tag cloud|ScriptCloud]]’s output, I created a tag cloud for the text in the [ Aarde Vision Bus Tour]. Had to fiddle around with the style sheet a bit. The links do nothing, though. Here it is…

Here’s what I did:
#Include ScriptCloud’s tagline.css into style.css of weblog theme.
#Save all text into a plain and simple text file.
#Upload it to ScriptCloud.
#View generated tag cloud, and open HTML source.
#Copy just the tag cloud HTML and strip it from all the color settings.
#Paste result into body of blog entry.

english smart software

The long tail of software

[ The Long Tail Graph

community crowd sourcing english open source smart software whole world


For extremely profitable price/quality ratios, aim to ”’maximize evolvability”’ for all stakeholders by:
*minimizing the efforts to develop, release and maintain your product;
*maximizing scalability;
*maximizing innovation to happen elsewhere—make it open source and use [[Crowdsourcing Directory|crowd sourcing]];
*maximizing adopting & setting open standards for quality, processes and technology.
*using a tolerant development process
*being open and responsive to easy changes as project progresses

The ”’evolvability”’ quality requirement ”’transcends and includes all other “ilities””’ like performance, scalability, maintanability, reliability, resilience, and security.

chaorganization creative english innovation open source

Crowdsourcing Directory

Just one day after my regestration at [[Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing]], Carl at [ Creative Crowds] tipped me on the [ Crowdsourcing Directory].

Uhmpf… awful lot of creative crowd work going on. A sheer infinite flurry of innovation sources. Howcome I only see this now? Wonderful! Diving into it because I will find the fertile ground where my, sometimes wild and big ideas, are valued and will flourish.

Thanks for the pointer Carl!

P.S. Appears that Carl sends email from the [ Innovation Factory]. Another interesting company that I only now discoverd.

P.S. 2 Seems they’re working hard to realize [ Creative Crowds] and [ Creative Capitals]

english smart software typography

ScriptCloud for your tag cloud

Browsing [ visual text analysis] led me to [ Visualizations Sets Information Free] which in turn made me stumble over [ ScriptCloud] lets you create content clouds (like a ”’tag cloud”’) from your screenplay.

[ ScriptCloud logo] If a tag cloud means nothing to you, [ check out the FAQs] to find out more. Scriptcloud is intended for screenplays but you can upload any kind of text file.

And so I did. Picked my CV, saved as plain text and fed it ti Scriptcloud. The result is obvious. Too bad you can’t click on the tags.

[ TagCrowd] is another interesting similar tool.

Want this to work at (subsets of) my wiki or forum; and select my own font; and set the rectangular area to render it in; and have it as a plug-in or extension to any CMS.

agile chaordic chaorganization community english holacracy innovation money spiritual whole world

Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing

[ Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing]

[ Harry van der Velde] tipped me on [ Cambrian House] some time ago. What a wonderful [ holacratic] way of [[Totally Unique Thoughts|turning thoughts into things]]. Community-owned—so “[ Dee Hock]” in its chaorganization. So co-creative.

While preparing a proposal for [ Andarr] this morning, I decided to sign up. Looking forward to participation.