english innovation open source peer-to-peer smart software

ZFS on a laptop

[ Eric Kustarz]’s excellent point in favour of using [ ZFS for your laptop] to create a ”’extremely reliable store for all your personal data”’.

Sun Microsystems is really making a change here. Wish for ZFS to become abuntantly ubiquitous.

Next: swap a disk a day with your friend to have a copy of your data at a remote place when you’re house burns down or someone drops a bomb.

Beyond that: the [ Wizard, Rabbit and Treasurer] keep all your data safe in sync in a fully distributed self-organizing and self-healing peer-to-peer network.

Worryfree and effortless data.

agile architecture chaorganization holacracy smart software

Innovation and Agility

Jim Highsmith on [ Innovation and Agility]: I have always maintained that one characteristic of a good agile leader is the ability to balance: up-front planning with on-going planning, early architecture with evolutionary architecture, and innovation with efficiency. It is a difficult balancing act. If CEOs can’t seem to get the balancing right, how can a project manager or development manager?

(Via [ Cutter Consortium: Enterprise Suite].)

english mac smart software

Check this out: cool Mac software from Amsterdam

[ Check Out App]
[ Made by Sofa]
Via [ Apple Developer Connection]:

:The team of young developers at Amsterdam-based Madebysofa were frustrated as customers of a difficult point-of-sale (POS) application and a shortage of usable and affordable alternatives. So they decided to turn a problem into an opportunity, and set out to create their own application that worked the way they wanted. Their product is Checkout, is a powerful, friendly, and affordable POS system capable of running a small- to medium-size store, and is written exclusively for Mac OS X.

They also create a neat Mac OS X Subversion client.

smart software

DocBook – FrameMaker – MediaWiki – DocBook

To my former creative colleague, while at Sun Microsystems, Wilfred Springer, now at TomTom.

Hi Wilfred,

Seeing on your blog [ Distributed Reflections of the Third Kind] that you’re still a [ big fan of DocBook], allow me to pose a question.

I am in the process of writing an extensive pattern language (which I call pareltaal, for a number of reasons). Using a MediaWiki engine really helps a lot and allows collaboration among many to grow such a language. But one big drawback is that it’s easy to lose oversight. It’s hard to see the whole picture, especially with hundreds of patterns.

So, for the time being, I switched to FrameMaker, with its excellent cross reference features and its structured document capability. I’m not using the structured document powers yet, since they have a very steep learning curve for me. But I do see how it might help manage an ever evolving structured but loosely coupled pattern language. And it might also help in creating different views on the same source. Repurposing content, as they say. E.g. just a list of patlets with only the pattern name, problem and solution.

Anyway, I’m looking for a tool that allows collaborative writing and evolution of an extensive pattern language while keeping oversight and creating unlimited views on (parts of) the language. I’d like it to be able to support a ”’lossless bidirectional link between, say, FrameMaker and MediaWiki”’.


Succes en plezier,


dutch quantum science smart software spiritual

Kwantumcomputer wereldveranderend

Volgens [ Ronald de Wolf] van het CWI in een artikel in de Computable nummer 19 van 11 mei 2007, pagina 30 en 31. En zelfs [ lekkende qubits geven toch antwoord]…

Benieuwd hoe Ronald aankijkt tegen de kombinatie van spiritualiteit en (kwantum-)wetenschap. En helemaal in de context van de enigzins hyperige [Intention Experiments, Law of Attraction, Zero Point Field, What The Bleep en [ The Secret]. Heeft Ronald [ The Self-Aware Universe] van Amit Goswami gelezen? En? Wat vind Ronald daarvan?

Ik krijg het gevoel dat Computer Science, Quantum Physics en Spirituality de leegte op gaan vullen van [[linking scientific paradigms]], en daarmee de leegte van veel mensen.

english semantic smart software

Semantic Web FAQ

Nice summary W3C Semantic Web Frequently Asked Questions.

aarde english holacracy innovation open source places project smart software whole world

Aarde blog live on Earth Day

Creating a ”’brand new country”’ is a startling endeavour. And today is Earth Day. An excellent day to go public with my passion. I’m giving it my whole heart, soul, and mind.

Previously code-named [ LandONE], I’ve renamed it to ”’Aarde”’. I’ve started the [ Aarde blog]—domainnames and are already taken, so I’ve opted for ”’AardSource”’ as name space—an inexhaustable and ever abundant well for everything Aarde. A Wiki for global collaboration will follow soon.

Some ask me, why the name ‘Aarde’? It’s really quite simple. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon was once asked how he came up with the name ”’Amazon”’. “Well, it’s the largest river on Earth and it starts with an A.”. (the latter having an excellent free marketing value—you’re always near the top of alphabetical lists). I’ve never forgotten his answer.

In the same spirit ”’Aarde”’:
*is the largest planet around that has life on it (as far as we know);
*starts with a double A;
*has a Dutch connection—my home country.

[ Love],


english holacracy smart software whole world

Second Life To Open Source Server Code

Slashdot writes: Second Life To Open Source Server Code. This is an ”’excellent step! And ”’resonating with my [ LandONE]”’ perspective:
:LandONE also results in a flurry of new and serious multi-user games, to be played on-line, on game consoles, mobile phones and media centers. These games leverage the successes of games like The Sims, World of Warcraft and ”’Second Life”’ to the next level as well.
:During the first two years the game scripts are developed and implemented. For the first time in history, game providers (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) work together in a co-opetitive way to make sure gamers on each proprietary platform can talk to each other, and form tribes, mobs and communities.
:Game rules mirror the real socio-eco-political rules that govern LandONE, thereby making it a very serious game, a learning environment for potential citizens well as for game rule designers. As a result, game players are excellent candidates to actually migrate LandONE as soon as they have reached a certain level.
:These serious games are a journey through The Membrane. Players get used to the specifics of LandONE, like the gift economy, ”’social credit”’, ”’holacracy”’, etc. LandONE games beat online games like World of Warcraft by orders of magnitude and create wave of goodness flushing over our Earth.
:The competitive and collaborative aspects of these games are excellent inputs to exciting TV series, involving billions of eyeballs globally.
:Also, the concept or format of LandONE and its derivations can be sold to other media companies resulting in another major healing revenue stream.

Second Life To Open Source Server Code: “mrspin writes ‘Having already taken the timid steps of open-sourcing the code for its client software, Linden Lab has confirmed that they’ll be going the whole way, and will soon be opening up the server code for Second Life. This furthers Second Life’s ambitions to be a fully distributed 3D network — built on interoperability and not owned by one company — a bit like the Internet itself. ZDNet’s The Social Web asks: ‘who will be the first to offer Second Life hosting or use the server code for their own internal purposes? IBM would be an obvious candidate, perhaps offering corporate Second Life services. And for the rest of us? GoogleLife, free virtual land — ad supported of course. It’s certainly a possibility.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

(Via Slashdot.)

cheetah english open source smart software

Apple to design for diabetics

Amy Tenderich writes about iPod design for diabetes care:
:Why, oh why, do consumers everywhere get the most “insanely great” little MP3 player, while we whose lives depend on medical devices get the clunky stuff of yesteryear?

”’Excellent idea Amy!”’ Sure hope that Steve bites. And while at it, diabetes software can use an upgrade as well.

Reminds me of ”’Cheetah”’: First half of 2006 a small team of students have been working on Cheetah—a fully distributed self-learning (smart) peer-to-peer community-based diabetes open source software system.

Oh, how nice it would be for my daughter with diabetes to have the two “marry”.


semantic smart software whole world

Information Ecology

In the same issue of the Automatiseringgids there is an interesting article on [ Information Ecology]—the evolotionary aspects of self-organizing information. Wikipedia alo links it to the [ noosphere].

chaordic english open source science semantic smart software whole world

Luis von Ahn—Smart Games—Smart Software

Article in Automatiseringgids on [ Luis von Ahn]’s [ ESP Game]—a.k.a. the [ Google Image Labeler]—to smart tag images by human swarms.

Ahn also created the spam-avoiding [ Captcha].

Thank you very much Luis!

peer-to-peer smart software

Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! Now Support GeoRSS

Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! Now Support GeoRSS: “Lord Satri writes ‘This week, Microsoft announced their new Live Maps, in addition to supporting Firefox on Windows for 3D, now supports the GeoRSS standard. They join Google which recently announced the support of GeoRSS and KML mapping in their Google Maps API.

In short, GeoRSS is a standard supported by the Open Geospatial Consortium that incorporates ”’geolocation in an interoperable manner to RSS feeds”’. The applications are numerous. With Yahoo!’s support of GeoRSS, all the major players are in and the future looks bright for this emerging standard.

As for KML, Google Earth’s file format, this new Google Maps integration is not unrelated to the recent announcement of internet-wide KML search capabilities within Google Earth.

From the GeoRSS website: ‘As RSS becomes more and more prevalent as a way to publish and share information, it becomes increasingly important that location is described in an interoperable manner so that applications can request, aggregate, share and map geographically tagged feeds. To ”’avoid the fragmentation of language”’ that has occurred in RSS and other Web information encoding efforts, we have created this site to promote a relatively small number of encodings that meet the needs of a wide range of communities.’

(Via Slashdot.)

What’s next: PeopleRSS—a standard that incorporates personal information as well as group, team, department, company information. Or communities in general, a singel perseon being the smallest community. Add a touch of ProjectRSS and EventRSS and voilà, peer-to-peer fully distributed open mirrorworlds.

english mac smart software tools


Twitterrific is a fun little application that lets you both read and publish posts or “tweets” to the Twitter community website. The application’s user interface is clean, concise and designed to take up a minimum of real estate on your Mac’s desktop.

english smart software whole world

The World of Hello World


A map of programming languages and rough locations in the world where they were created. Colors correspond to four major epochs: blue—first languages, green—establishing paradigms, yellow—consolidation and modules, pink—the Internet age.