chaordic chaorganization english

Clear goal, simple rules


Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex and intelligent behavior.

Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behavior.

Dee Hock, CEO Emeritus VISA International

From team charter:

  • Team—A group of people or animals linked in a unity of purpose.
  • Self-organization—The tendency of an open system to generate new structures and patterns based on its own internal dynamics. Organization design emerges from the interactions of the agents in the system; it is not imposed from above or outside. Facilitating Organization Change: Lessons from Complexity Science

Three factors influence the patterns that emerge:

  • The container sets the bounds for the self-organizing system. It defines the “self” that organizes.
  • Significant differences determine the primary patterns that emerges (power, level of expertise, gender, …).
  • Transforming exchanges form the connections between system agents.

Just as a person needs time and space to incubate thoughts before a new Idea can emerge, a system needs a bounded space for the emergence of new patterns. Patterns imply structure, organization. Self-organizations gives you order for free. Effortless organization? don’t just do something, stand there!

Life is a serious game. life is a broccoli.

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Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration

Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration – TED Talk

Transcript of Howard Rheingold’s TED-2005 talk about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action—and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group. As he points out, humans have been banding together to work collectively since our days of hunting mastodons.

chaordic creative english science

Wetenschappelijke beeldkunst

moss_th.jpgDe Amerikaanse National Science Foundation verzamelt met behulp van een jaarlijks wedloop [ prachtig wetenschappelijk beeldmateriaal].

agile chaordic chaorganization community dutch open source

Decentrale organisaties zijn onverslaanbaar

Wat hebben ”’Geronimo”’, ”’Skype”’, ”’Wikipedia”’, ”’Open Coffee”’, ”’Al Qaida”’ en ”’Youtube”’ met elkaar gemeen? Het zijn allemaal ”’gedecentraliseerde netwerken”’. Rod Beckstrom en Ori Brafman gebruiken deze voorbeelden om een nieuw management systeem te modelleren. De toekomst van de organisatie is een gedecentraliseerde organisatie in plaats van een top down gecentraliseerde bedrijfsstructuur.

Het boek beschrijft de kracht van gedecentraliseerde organisaties aan de hand van de analogie ‘Starfish en Spider’, waarbij de Starfish voor een gedecentraliseerde organisatie staat en een Spider vergeleken wordt met een gecentraliseerde organisatie.

Via [ Sprout].

architecture chaordic computing creative english network open source smart software typography

Levitated | the Exploration of Computing


Stumbled across a wonderful website yesterday with a lot of awseome and open source Flash applications that produce wonderful graphics, many of them fractal, complex. [ Check out]—a friendly company.

chaordic chaorganization community crowd sourcing english innovation

Flirting with the Crowds

[ Flirting with the Crowds]: Sami Viitamäki was early to come up with a very comprehensible model about Crowdsourcing: the FLIRT model. Read more on [ Carl’s post on Flirting with the Crowds].

chaordic community english network open source peer-to-peer smart software

SixApart: Opening the Social Graph

[ SixApart: Opening the Social Graph]:

:We think that the best way for you to manage your network is to stop thinking about all of the little pieces and to start focusing on the big picture: you and the people who matter to you. We think relationships mean more than email addresses or which service you’re signed on to at the moment. So we’ve created an experimental demo based upon open technologies OpenID, the Microformats hCard and XFN, and FOAF that allow you to see your entire network of relationships in one place – across services, across platforms, across the entire Web.

How wonderful! I’ve been wanting this for ages! Even started the [ Campfire] experiment a couple of years ago to address exactly this issue. I fully endorse opening the social graph.

(Via [ Semantic Wave].)

architecture chaordic chaorganization computing english network peer-to-peer smart software

SwarmOS Demonstrated at Idea Festival

[ SwarmOS Demonstrated at Idea Festival]: “PacoCheezdom writes ‘Intelligent Life has short summary of a demonstration by MIT professor James McLurkin of his new group-minded robots, which run an operating system called ‘Swarm OS’.

The robots are able to work together as a group not by communicating with all members of the group at once, but by talking only to their neighbors, and model other similar behaviors performed by bees and ants. ‘[ Read more of this story] at Slashdot.

(Via [ Slashdot].)

chaordic computing english science smart software

The Future of Bridges: Self-Replicating, Irregular Designs

[ Harry van der Velde] will like this one…

[ The Future of Bridges: Self-Replicating, Irregular Designs]: “Self-replicating bridges might be more robust, but also weirder looking, than the nearly magical pieces of civil engineering that human beings come up with.

(Via [ Wired News].)

agile chaordic chaorganization community computing conscious computing consciousness creative crowd sourcing english holacracy innovation open source smart software

Briljante Programmeurs Netwerk

[ Sanne Roemen] en [ Daan Kortenbach] doen een oproep om een [ coöp van ”’briljante programmeurs”’] op te zetten. Wat mij betreft breiden ze dat uit naar ”’briljante ontwerpers, designers, architecten en projectleiders”’. En dan lekker agile aan de slag.

Als we dat nou eens naadloos kunnen samenvoegen met grote bedrijven op dit gebied. Een organisatievorm vinden waarbij beiden elkaar versterken. De ”’groten”’ zijn ”’zeldzaam, veerkrachtig, geworteld en enorm”’. De ”’eenpitters”’, tweepitters en gasstellen zijn met ”’velen, klein, wendbaar en innovatief”’. Hoe kunnen ze elkaar versterken?!

Hey Sanne, Daan, ”’Ik wil meedoen!”’ Gaan we in augsutus om de tafel om dit verder vorm te geven?

Mijn gedicht “[ Wanneer Dan]” vat het geheel samen.

aarde architecture chaordic computing conscious computing consciousness english spiritual whole world

Conscious Computing

Now that the world is heating up, so are the discussions and debates on reducing resources required for computing. Reduced power, reduced heating, sleeping and suspending processors and processes.

Effective and efficient handling of our computing needs at minimal resource consumption in the complete life cycle of a network of computers has become the focus of attention. I call this ”’conscious computing”’ across the board—and my dream is to have a ”’Conscious Computing Award”’ for those solutions, projects and companies that will startle our view in this area and provide unprecedented breakthroughs in the area of smart spiritual software.

I will start tracking ideas, initiatives, programs, projects and inspirational sources on this topic. Here are the first two:
#[ Power Plays: How power consumption will shape the future of computing] on how Intel is using smart self-organizing principles on chip-level to maximize the performance/power ratio in favour of green or ”’conscious computing”’.
#Sun’s Jonathan Schwartz on [ Switching Subjects] to drastically simplify cabling and reducing power and cooling requirements in massive data centers in their ”’Project Magnum”’ and ”'[ Constellation System]”’. Good that Sun has ”’Andy Bechtolsheim”’ back on board. Do you know that [[Andy missed his plane and changed his name]]?

agile chaordic chaorganization community english holacracy innovation money spiritual whole world

Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing

[ Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing]

[ Harry van der Velde] tipped me on [ Cambrian House] some time ago. What a wonderful [ holacratic] way of [[Totally Unique Thoughts|turning thoughts into things]]. Community-owned—so “[ Dee Hock]” in its chaorganization. So co-creative.

While preparing a proposal for [ Andarr] this morning, I decided to sign up. Looking forward to participation.

agile chaordic chaorganization english

Continuous Partial Attention

My son [ Martijn] recently started working for [ Q42]. One of his new colleagues pointed him to [ Continuous Partial Attention] on whether or not to unplug from the ever increasing flow of interruptions of the grid and focus on getting some work done.

Becoming ever more agile—do some yoga.

Thanks Martijn & colleague!

chaordic chaorganization community

Community Created Content

community-created-content.jpgKwam ik tegen bij de weblog van Anton van Elburg: Community Created Content—Law, Business and Policy.