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Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing

[ Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing]

[ Harry van der Velde] tipped me on [ Cambrian House] some time ago. What a wonderful [ holacratic] way of [[Totally Unique Thoughts|turning thoughts into things]]. Community-owned—so “[ Dee Hock]” in its chaorganization. So co-creative.

While preparing a proposal for [ Andarr] this morning, I decided to sign up. Looking forward to participation.

community english tools

Hoshin Kanri

Since 2000 or so, I regularly use a Hoshin sheet to jumpstart new projects or business.

Hoshin Kanri has its roots in the 1950s when lectures by Dr. Deming and Dr. Juran in Japan taught the Deming Wheel (PDCA Cycle) and the need to focus on management processes for continuous improvement, including both Breakthrough Management and Daily Management.

Hoshin Kanri is an organising framework for strategic management. It is concerned with four primary tasks:

*it focuses organisation attention on corporate direction by setting, annually, a vital few strategic priorities;
*it aligns these with local plans and programmes;
*it integrates them with daily management, and
*it provides for a structured review of their progress.

More and more companies recognized its value over the 30 years of refinement. Today, ”'[ The Toyota Way]”’ resonates very well with the practices of ”’Agile Software Development”’. Joined with ”'[ holacratic] principles”’, government and practices it grows into a very effective leadership instrument.

[ Read more on Hoshin Kanri] on AardRock’s Wiki.

aloha community dutch open source peer-to-peer semantic

Aloha: Emerce Co-Creation Update


Korte Emerce update:
*Ongeveer 200 mensen
*Hele goede lezingen van:
**Roger Beekman en André Bouwman van ADK/60 layers of cake over open source.
**Sander Dullaart van Favela Fabric over teruggeven van aandacht, vraaggestuurd aanbod.
**Gert Hans Berghuis van Fabrique over drijfveren en zingeving voor co-creatie, samen met user generated value (i.t.t. user generated content). Ik creëer dus ik besta. Zo inline met Thoughts Become Things van Mike Dooley (van The Secret).
**René Jansen van Winkwaves over afstemmen op persona’s t.b.v. co-creatie.
**Pim Betist van Sell-a-Band; echt super! Ze hebben de eerst vijf artiesten die elk $50k hebben verzameld en nu professioneel aan de slag gaan. Totaal hebben ze $750k in kas, waarvan $500k dit jaar. 3k bands in 8 maanden tijd. You Are The Record Company.
*’k Heb met de meeste sprekers kort gesproken over Aloha en afgesproken een afspraak te maken. Vinden het een interessant concept.
*Aanloop bij de tafel was goed. Stonden lekker in het licht met een spotje erop. Met praatplaat van Dennis op A2 op een tafelezeltje.
*Wouter Boog, Visueel Vertaler van JAM, maakte grafisch verslag van de middag; trok veel aandacht en foto’s voor zowel JAM als Aloha.
*Wouter scant de platen nog in en dan zz we ze op de wiki.
*Emerce zal er ook wel wat mee doen in hun verslag.
*Kreeg nog iemand van WWF (WNF) aan tafel; is bijzonder geïnteresseerd; WWF mogelijk als Aloha Associate?
*Voor verslag, zie
** en


chaordic chaorganization community

Community Created Content

community-created-content.jpgKwam ik tegen bij de weblog van Anton van Elburg: Community Created Content—Law, Business and Policy.



Peter Westerink from Kayoo pointed me to Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a “citizens’ compendium of everything,” an open wiki project aimed at creating an enormous, free, and reliable encyclopedia.

Thanks for the pointer Peter. Inspiring for the [ NNN project].

BTW Are you familiar with the developing [[Reputation system for Wikipedia]]? Tom Cross writes about it in Puppy smoothies: Inproving the reliability of open, collaborative wikis.

community dutch holacracy open source whole world

De macht van de massa

Ode ziet het Wiki-licht:
:Van de andersglobalisten tot de Wikipedianen: zelforganisatie is het sleutelwoord. Niet doen wat je wordt opgedragen, maar doen wat je kan en wil bijdragen – voor een groter geheel. Marco Visscher beschrijft de opkomende participerende cultuur.

[ Aloha] is op de goede weg met haar Wiki voor het schrijven van een schitterend boek.

community english money serengeti whole world

Fair money distribution game

Quickly jotted down a few inspirational sources for ”’fair money distribution games”’:

Based on these sources as well as input from [ Gaston Vilé], [ Stanley van Maaren] en [ Harry van der Velde], I wrote up ”'[ oprechte deelgeving]”’ (Dutch).


community english smart software

Reputation: net promoter score (NPS)

Yet another reputation system—a Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the result of a customer satisfaction survey in which customers are asked only one so-called “Ultimate” question:

:”’How likely are you to recommend Company or Product X to a friend or colleague?”’

Does this work for communities and personal reputation as well?

Sparkle from

chaordic community english open source whole world

Natural Capital Institute

[ LandONE-A7.png]

Eduard Povel tipped me on the Natural Capital Institute today—helping society move towards a socially just and environmentally restorative existence.

”’All open source. Hurray!”’

Wow, what a fine initiative. I’m going to contact them to find synergy between NCI and my LandONE initiative.

community smart software tools

Digitale LEGO®: moeiteloos doorlopend actueel

Digitale LEGO® moeiteloos doorlopend actueel zonder handmatig onderhoud via mashups”’.

[ Google], [ eBay], [ Amazon], [ YouTube], [] en [ Yahoo] geven externe programmeurs toegang tot delen van hun kernsoftware via zogeheten [ API]s: technische bruggetjes.

Zo ontstaat een nieuw web van zogenaamde mashups. Kortom, API + API = [ mashup]. Ook bekend als ”'[ SAAS—Software As A Service]”’.

[], [] en [ Yahoo Pipes] vereenvoudigen verder de groei van mashups. Koppel dit aan open source tools zoals [ MediaWiki] ([ wiki]) en [ WordPress] ([ blog]) en je krijgt een uitermate rijke voedingsbodem.

Ideaal voor [ inititatieven zoals NNN].

chaordic community english innovation open source

Co-creation: whoever has the smartest customers wins

Do ”’consumer driven innovation”’, customer care and ”'[ Wikinomics]”’ work? Well, at [ Procter & Gamble] they do. Read [ CIO Magazine on Wikinomics].

I’m a ”’big big fan of co-creation”’ and it’s been like this ever since the great Internet technologies like mail, the web and [ Java] emerged. [ Kevin Kelly] already wrote about it when he says: “”'[ And whoever has the smartest customers wins]”’ in his book [ New Rules for the New Economy].

Kelly’s strategies:
*”’Make customers as smart as you are.”’
*”’Connect customers to customers.”’
*”’All things being equal, choose technology that connects.”’
*”’Imagine your customers as employees.”’

book community english whole world

The Virtual Community, Howard Rheingold

Yes! Found a long lost book review on The Virtual Community by Howard Rheingold back thanks to Apple Spotlight. While at Sun Microsoystems, I sent the review to my fellow Mulitmedia Ambassadors and Human Interaction Engineers wordlwide on September 1st, 1994.

I was reading a Wired article on novellist Cormac McCarthy, having an office at the reknowned Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico,. This brought back memories of Stuart Kauffman, William Gibson and Howard Rheingold. All writers that have influenced my perspective. Wonderful.


Reputation system for Wikipedia

In First Monday, Tom Cross writes about Wikipedia using a reputation system to create a moderator class which has the power to approve user submitted changes. A first experiment done by his MemeStreams, which in turn is powered by Industrial Memetics.