aloha dutch project

Aloha Amuse ziet het daglicht—bijna…

[ aloha-amuse-4.jpg]

Lekker met Dennis, Manon, Marjolein en Stanley een enorme slag gemaakt met de zestien pagina tellende [ Aloha amuse]. Veelbelovend. Het hartje begint te kloppen…

[ Kudos] aan Manon en Dennis!

dutch movie

The end of the affair

Vanavond naar [ The end of the affair] geweest. Georganiseerd door de [ Filmliga Heuvelrug].

Een nogal slome film die zich voortsleept rond de tweede wereldoorlog in London. Sarah is getrouwd met Henry. Henry is meer met z’n werk bezig en ziet Sarah niet of nauwelijks staan. Sarah ontmoet Maurice en de liefde vlamt op.

Sarah gelooft niet in God of andere krachten. Doet wel de hartewens dat Maurice weer tot leven komt nadat een V2 Maurice dodelijk heeft getroffen. Doet tevens de belofte dat als dat gebeurt ze Maurice nooit meer zal ontmoeten. De wens komt uit… Ze draait om als een blad van een boom en geloofd vanaf dat moment wel in God. Maurice haat alleen maar zichzelf en al het andere en wordt geleefd door jaloezie.

Heeft veel ‘[ Law of Attraction]’ en ‘Intention Experiment’ als je er voor open staat.

Mooi gefilmd. Wel “heel oud”, echt jaren 40.

community english money serengeti whole world

Fair money distribution game

Quickly jotted down a few inspirational sources for ”’fair money distribution games”’:

Based on these sources as well as input from [ Gaston Vilé], [ Stanley van Maaren] en [ Harry van der Velde], I wrote up ”'[ oprechte deelgeving]”’ (Dutch).


english innovation peer-to-peer smart software tools

Joost—free TV with a peer-to-peer community


:What’s Joost? It’s free TV, with the choice to watch alone or with friends. Joost is packed with internet tools such as instant messaging and channel chat, allowing people to really share the TV experience.

:It’s a completely secure platform for content owners that respects their rights, while protecting and enhancing their brands. And it’s an incredibly flexible way for advertisers to reach a truly global audience, in ways that really work. Joost isn’t just video on the internet – it’s the next generation of television for viewers, content owners and advertisers everywhere.

Grown from a handful of people in a small office outside Amsterdam. [öm Niklas Zennstrøm] and [ Janus Friis]—KaZaa, Skype. Peer-to-peer. Community. Promising. I wish them a lot of succes!

english peer-to-peer smart software tools

TextBender—Web 3.0 distributed Wiki-like text writing

Interesting new way of distributed collaboration…

TextBender is a system of collaborative writing based on recombinant text,
textbender has these characteristics:

*Your text belongs to a population, one text per author.
*Quality bits of text are swapped among authors, peer to peer.
*Individual authorship is retained and traceable throughout.

Textbender is currently ”’aimed at creative writing”’, particularly at short verse. A demonstration is being prepared.

Recombinant text is a medium of collaborative design and composition, with a basis in biological theory. In computer science, it belongs to the subfield of human-based genetic algorithms. In biological terms, it is analogous to population genetic engineering; but with populations that consist of texts.

The texts are Web documents. Intercommunication is by Web protocols, and the result is the collaborative production of Web content. Recombinant text is therefore ”’comparable to a Wiki”’. But it differs in its distributed architecture and ”’peer-to-peer communication pattern”’ (populations), ”’formalized data units”’ (genes), and ”’semantic labels”’ (loci). These place it in the arena of Web 3.0.

Several design approaches to recombinant text have been investigated to date. The ultimate approach (below top) would rely on a mechanism of gene complexing to transfer variations of plot, character, and other patterns from text to text. This approach would have a range of groupware applications in general design, as well as literary and musical composition. It would also be difficult to realize, and remains a vision for the future.

[ Read more on TextBender] or [ try the TextBender demo].

community english smart software

Reputation: net promoter score (NPS)

Yet another reputation system—a Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the result of a customer satisfaction survey in which customers are asked only one so-called “Ultimate” question:

:”’How likely are you to recommend Company or Product X to a friend or colleague?”’

Does this work for communities and personal reputation as well?

Sparkle from

dutch tools


‘k Zag bij Hans van Mestrum dat hij zijn Twitter account heeft geclaimd. Goed voorbeeld doet volgen en dus: Martien twittert mee…

dutch spiritual whole world

Amigo—onvoorwaardelijke vriendschap

Amigo—zicht op enkelvoudige eenvoud—over Jnana Yoga, Advaita Vedanta en andere Non-dualistische benaderingen.

Mooie en diepe teksten met een typografische kwinkslag op Met dank aan Eduard Povel voor de tip toen hij me gisteren [ De betekenis van het leven] stuurde.

chaordic community english open source whole world

Natural Capital Institute

[ LandONE-A7.png]

Eduard Povel tipped me on the Natural Capital Institute today—helping society move towards a socially just and environmentally restorative existence.

”’All open source. Hurray!”’

Wow, what a fine initiative. I’m going to contact them to find synergy between NCI and my LandONE initiative.

english quantum smart software whole world

Quantum Consciousness

Stumbled over Don’t want to forget about it so this is just a little reminder for me to find back later and explore…

chaordic community english innovation open source

Co-creation: whoever has the smartest customers wins

Do ”’consumer driven innovation”’, customer care and ”'[ Wikinomics]”’ work? Well, at [ Procter & Gamble] they do. Read [ CIO Magazine on Wikinomics].

I’m a ”’big big fan of co-creation”’ and it’s been like this ever since the great Internet technologies like mail, the web and [ Java] emerged. [ Kevin Kelly] already wrote about it when he says: “”'[ And whoever has the smartest customers wins]”’ in his book [ New Rules for the New Economy].

Kelly’s strategies:
*”’Make customers as smart as you are.”’
*”’Connect customers to customers.”’
*”’All things being equal, choose technology that connects.”’
*”’Imagine your customers as employees.”’

english smart software spiritual

Can ‘Spiritual Computing’ Drive Web 3.0?

Computer scientists and visionaries today see a future in which Web 3.0 will help us engage in virtual battles with cancer cells, keep us physically independent as we age, and achieve a deeper emotional connection to things that matter most to us.

Dana Pavel believes that technology can make a profound difference in our lives if computers can understand more about where we are and how we are feeling.

“At some point you want to do something more than accomplish tasks through technologies and devices,” said the researcher who studies affective and context-aware computing at Nokia’s Helsinki Research Center.

Seems like Nokia is working hard on this. Again, resonates with [ Martien’s Smart Spiritual Software].


english smart software spiritual whole world

Spiritual Computing – The Mindfulness/Technology Dialogue

Hmmm… although initially interesting, on closer look there does not seem much activity here. Resonates with my Smart Spiritual Software. Wonder how to rekindle this initiative.


Spiritual Computing – The Mindfulness/Technology Dialogue

(Via Tag: spiritual.)

english quantum spiritual whole world

Holistic Quantum Relativity Project: Glossary v0.5

Excellent Holistic Quantum Relativity Glossary aiming at providing meanings for those concepts, abstractions, thoughts, observations and views in Spirituality which converge with modern Science and vice-versa.