Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex and intelligent behavior.
Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behavior.
Dee Hock, CEO Emeritus VISA International
From team charter:
- Team—A group of people or animals linked in a unity of purpose.
- Self-organization—The tendency of an open system to generate new structures and patterns based on its own internal dynamics. Organization design emerges from the interactions of the agents in the system; it is not imposed from above or outside. Facilitating Organization Change: Lessons from Complexity Science
Three factors influence the patterns that emerge:
- The container sets the bounds for the self-organizing system. It defines the “self” that organizes.
- Significant differences determine the primary patterns that emerges (power, level of expertise, gender, …).
- Transforming exchanges form the connections between system agents.
Just as a person needs time and space to incubate thoughts before a new Idea can emerge, a system needs a bounded space for the emergence of new patterns. Patterns imply structure, organization. Self-organizations gives you order for free. Effortless organization? don’t just do something, stand there!
Life is a serious game. life is a broccoli.